How To Use Routine To Make Big Decisions In Your Dental Practice

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Bratzel talks about what your routine is for making big decisions. Many times, for a lot of people, when it comes to making big decisions, they just kind of “wing it”. If you are in practice for yourself, you are going to come across hundreds of decisions in a day, and thousands of decisions in the year on what you need to do as far as big decisions. So if you have a system it place, that will help to make it much easier on you. What happens to doctors is that they are paralyzed by fear and they won’t take action out of fear. One of the most valuable things to have is, of course, information. The best way to get good information for yourself is to connect with what goes on…
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How To Get Over The Fear Of Change In Your Dental Office

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Bratzel talks about the feelings of uncertainty when dealing with change in your practice. When it comes to making big decisions in your office, it can sometimes be difficult to deal with the feelings of uncertainty that come with these changes, especially when you are trying new things.  This topic came about directly by a dentist who wanted to be committed to taking his practice to the next level, but wasn’t sure what the next stages were and how to go about it.  We all know that when we make changes for ourselves and our practices, naturally, there will be feelings of being uncomfortable. What is difficult for the dentist, the owner, the leader of the practice, is when you feel out control in front of your team. You don’t want…
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How To Think Bigger And Act Bigger To Get More Dental Patients

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel discusses the concerns that dentists have and how abundance and scarcity mentality can impact the success of their business. Two concepts that can really impact your entire business’ growth are abundance and scarcity. I get calls and emails from dentists that tell me that their area has so many dentists that they can’t complete right now. Another complaint is that there are no good patients or that there is a shortage of staff to choose from to fill their position. These are just a few concerns from a whole lot more reasons why these dentists aren’t where they want to be. This is scarcity thinking and it holds you back. It’s the ability to see the opportunities, make corrective action, welcome change, and knowing you are in control of your…
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