Posting For Free vs. Paying For Ads On Facebook

The difference between a free post versus doing Facebook ads for your practice Facebook page.

Why should you pay Facebook for ads when you can post on Facebook for free?

That’s a valid question and understanding the role of free content vs. paid content is the key to knowing when to do each.

Facebook is essentially like a ‘big ole party’ that Mark Zuckerberg invited the whole world to.  It has no cover charge and you are free to run around inside to different places.  Once inside, some areas are more popular than others to different types of people.

Facebook watches that, and it will match up the right area for the right person.  The areas that are considered ‘desirable’ to the visitor, get more visibility.  They call it ‘providing value’ to the Facebook user experience.

The content that isn’t as high on the social value scale end up not getting seen.  And that tends to be things that you do to promote your practice or dental health.  Even if your practice has 1000 likes, Facebook will only show your information here and there to only to 1-2% of all your likes.  (That’s stinks, huh?)

That’s why paid Facebook marketing is important to your overall Facebook marketing strategy.  It shows the important information that you are sharing to more people.  And with the power of Facebook’s database, you can show information that is more likely to be welcomed by the right target audience.  You can get information to people who are new to your office to invite them to come in while information to existing patients with insurance would see different information that is valuable to them.

Click on the image below to watch video directly on Facebook.

Facebook Live Boost v Post V2

Now let’s dig in a little deeper and talk about an Facebook marketing the right way!  (WATCH THE VIDEO TO SEE THE REST)

Please take a few minutes and watch the video above– do it for you and for your practice.