Batteries Included Employees To Grow Your Dental Practice

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about hiring ‘battery included employees’ and what that means to you How many times have you purchased a new item for your home, and open this item only to find you are unable to use it as the batteries are not included?  So going forward you make sure to only buy items that are batteries included.  In building your team in your business this same thinking can apply.  As your dental practice grows and evolves, you need to bring on new employees.  You want to make sure you are only hiring ‘batteries included employees’. What might that mean when referring to your employees as batteries included?  These type of employees are there for you, they take initiative and ownership in their position.  They don’t require micromanagement. …
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How To Name Your Offer To Attract More Dental Patients

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about offers and the value that they provide for you and your dental patients. Offers are so valuable because nobody does it well! Offers are “What’s In It For Me” to take action now. If it is matched perfectly to your ideal patients’ wants, needs and desires and you have crystal clarity around it, offers can be very effective.  Another useful tool to get the more out of your offer is by naming your offer.  What does your offer say? It has to be able to say a lot and also set up the whole expectation. The name of the offer has to carry. If you have an offer, make sure that you name your offer. What can you name your offer to pull in more dental patients? Make sure the name of…
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