Letting Go Of Self-Imposed Rules

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about letting go of self imposed rules you place on yourself that are only holding you back from being an advancing dentist. Because I want this year to be your best year yet, I wanted to share a tip with you that will help you leave some ‘baggage’ from the past and hit the ground running for the next 12 months. Some of that baggage is letting go of self-imposed rules. You know what I’m talking about. Those thoughts and values that you hold true, but it reality, they might not be. ‘That won’t work in my town.’ ‘My team members wouldn’t like it.’ ‘I don’t know how.’ These are all the reasons you have for not changing. But I like to make you think a…
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MVR – Most Valuable Resource

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about your most precious valuable resource and how you can utilize it better to grow your dental practice. I’m laying it all out on the line for this topic.  I want to talk about your most limited, most precious resource, and it probably isn’t what you think. This resource is one we all struggle with using optimally and it isn’t money or patients…or even time.  I’m talking about your focus. It is very easy to get caught up in the routine of life; it’s human nature.  We wake up, get ready for work, drink your coffee, go to work, come home and start all over again the next day.  It is very easy to go through the motions of your days and weeks, without realizing a…
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Growth Is A Daily Practice

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Growth isn't a one time thing, it is something that is done each day.   Every dentist wants to get more dental patients and keep their schedule full. Dentists might dabble in dental marketing but often that’s without consistency.   When it comes to the nuts and bolts of growing your practice that’s when you start to see people flake off. I often hear ‘oh I tried that in the past and it didn’t work’. So you basically give up. But growth isn’t a one-time thing. It is continuous and it’s a gradual progression. It’s about budgeting your time, your schedule, and even your financial investments over time. You don’t just dive into something full time for 3 weeks and are done with it for good. It’s about taking a little…
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How To Grow Your Dental Practice By Thinking ‘Por Now, Por Later’

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about sequencing your change in your dental practice.     I’m going to give you a little background about myself to help explain this next concept.  Being from New Mexico, most everyone speaks a little Spanish.  When you combine that with English, you get Spanglish.  A Spanglish term we have incorporated in my home as well as my business, is ‘Por Now, or Por Later’.  Translation being is ‘For Now or For Later’?  When you apply this phrase to a task, you are asking does this need completed ‘Por Now’, meaning right now, or ‘Por Later’ sometime in the future.  This philosophy can be applied to your business thinking as well.  As you progress and are acquiring new concepts you need to ask yourself is this…
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