The Power Of Following Up

The Power Of Following Up

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Tools, Video Resources
Increasing your conversions by simply following up with your patients.   Once upon a time……how many times have you heard a story start like that before?  There was once a time for dental practices that if you were a good enough dentist clinically, patients just came to you.  It was no issue at all getting people to come in. Or maybe along the road, you realized things were changing and you ran a newspaper ad or some type of marketing, to get patients to come in.   And that would work for you.  You run one basic ad in the newspaper and it got the results you wanted. Well unfortunately those days are gone.  Zero marketing or the ole ‘one and done’ marketing isn’t cutting it for anyone anymore, especially for…
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Follow Up System and Automation for Your Dental Office

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel discusses the importance of follow-up system and automation to grow  your dental practice and get more out of your marketing. What is follow-up? Follow up is the process of keeping contact with prospects or existing clients, customers or patients over the long period of time. If they want information on something or if they have shown some interest, so you want to  keep in contact by giving them bite-size pieces of information while providing value to them over the long hau to increase your know, like, and trust factor with them. When I mention follow-up, we often think that we are already doing that as part of of our marketing systems.  But in reality, we’re not. We're not because it isn't happening with each and every patient…
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