Unplugging From The World of Information Overload

Unplugging From The World of Information Overload

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Tools
Creating greater success and results with less stress by eliminating the unnecessary static in your life. As dentists, we are always learning. We are students of life, and it’s in our nature to strive to always learn the next new or updated procedure. And if a learning opportunity is there we should take advantage of it. But I wanted to share another way of thinking with you that will give you more results and more free time, with less stress. While learning is critical to our ever advancing lives, we are in the age of information overload. With technology encompassing our entire lives through computers, tablets, and smartphones. Any random question that pops in your head, you probably have something in arms reach at all times that you can instantly…
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MVR – Most Valuable Resource

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about your most precious valuable resource and how you can utilize it better to grow your dental practice. I’m laying it all out on the line for this topic.  I want to talk about your most limited, most precious resource, and it probably isn’t what you think. This resource is one we all struggle with using optimally and it isn’t money or patients…or even time.  I’m talking about your focus. It is very easy to get caught up in the routine of life; it’s human nature.  We wake up, get ready for work, drink your coffee, go to work, come home and start all over again the next day.  It is very easy to go through the motions of your days and weeks, without realizing a…
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Streamlining Your Learning To Get Your Practice Where It Should Be

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about the importance of learning right now information. This week’s video topic is about being a strategic learner.  I know it was significant to share this topic with you because – speaking dentist-to-dentist – I know we are constant learners.  We are fact finders by our nature, wanting to collect all of the research and data we can hold.  But I want you to realize, just because you are learning it doesn’t mean you are evolving.  Over learning can actually slow us down. If you are so busy trying to learn it all, you can get distracted from what you should really be focused on.  To do that, you need to focus on learning the right stuff.  So I am challenging you to become a strategic…
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