M Syndrome-Self Sabotaging

M Syndrome-Self Sabotaging

Blog Articles-Weekly Training
by Dr. Ginger Bratzel  [SELF SABOTAGING M SYNDROME] No sugar coating it. Crap is real right now. Lots of changes…disasters, challenges or opportunities?  You decide We are wired to conserve energy-survival. So that’s stay in the “content phase.’  Content feels nice.  Like comfy pjs on the coach watching Netflix. But being content means you aren’t actively staying on your toes….you’re coasting.  And you can’t coast forever. New Status Quo is a NO GO When we have those disasters, challenges or opportunities type of EVENTS, when we are depleted, we can fall into M syndrome. MARTYR SYNDROME We feel picked on and we frame our thoughts from that point like it’s out of our control. We are a victim of the circumstances.  Some people try to out due each other who…
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Ideas to Increase Engagement on Your Social Media

Ideas to Increase Engagement on Your Social Media

Blog Articles-Weekly Training
[September 11, 2020]  by Dr. Ginger Bratzel Episode 32:  [Ideas to Increase Engagement on Your Social Media] Get more out of your office’s social media…easily So many practices want to improve their social media as a tool to attract more patients.  And they spend a lot of time (AND money) to only get so-so results. Here’s the deal-e-o, to maintain people’s attention you have to create content that they want to engage with. An engaged reader is more likely to follow your information, read your posts, call your office,  AND think of you when a friend or family member needs a referral! Powerful stuff. So here’s the big question, what type of social media content do I need to create engagement? Well, it’s information, ideas, and imagery that draws the…
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Patients don’t buy dentistry, they buy the conversion it creates

Patients don’t buy dentistry, they buy the conversion it creates

Blog Articles-Weekly Training
[September 4, 2020] by Dr. Ginger Bratzel Episode 31:  [Patients don’t buy dentistry, they buy the conversion it creates] Have you ever built a house? My dad always wanted to build a house from the ground up for our family. For him, it was about creating an experience where we worked together to live in something made with our own hands.   And my dad was super mechanically inclined, so this was right up his alley. So the summer of my senior year of high school (as I was already mentally gearing up to leave for college), he decided to start.  And talk about waiting until the very last minute.  So we proceeded to go to work, and over the course of the next several months, my parents, my brother and…
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Staying In Crisis Mode A Little Longer

Staying In Crisis Mode A Little Longer

Blog Articles-Weekly Training
[August 28, 2020] by Dr. Ginger Bratzel Episode 30:  [Staying In Crisis Mode A Little Longer] The good news about being in a crisis (yep, I’m going there) is this will not be the last time it’s going to happen so you're going to be better prepared for next time. We will get through it and your dental practice will look different on the other side because you will be a different person from going through this experience. And while crises can be stressful, it’s a wakeup call for other issues that existed before the crisis started but weren’t painful enough at that stage to deal with them. People run FROM pain (physical like a toothache and emotional like frustration in your dental practice) more than they run TO pleasure.…
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