Results From Effort

Dr. Ginger Bratzel discusses how to get results for your dental practice

With any major goal in life,  either in business, marketing, or even weight loss, results are dependent on the level of effort you put into.

The ideal of change seems easy in the beginning, but If you will not dedicate the time  or if you will not stick to the regimen, you will not be the successful dentist that you want to be.

If you want results, then commit to the effort to get it.

In this video, we cover:

  • Make a commitment
  • Be clear
  • Have an action plan and implement it
  • Have faith on what you are doing
  • Know that you can’t get result in things that you don’t do


Watch the video above for the full details and learn how to have dental marketing results from the efforts that you are giving to your practice.

Are you a dentist who wants to get all the patients you need, maybe we should talk? 

I invite you to contact me right now at to schedule a complimentary ‘get acquainted meeting’ over the phone with me to see what opportunities are available right now in your practice to make patient attraction and practice growth a priority. 

 If you want more patients, you need to send me that email!


I wish you nothing but success,
