Getting and Keeping More of Your Ideal Patients and Clients

by Dr. Ginger Bratzel

 [Getting and Keeping More of Your Ideal Patients and Clients

Make a powerful impression and set yourself apart from all your competitors.

If you’re looking to get and keeper bigger clients or patients, standing out and creating a positive impression are key.

That can be intimidating, expensive, and time-consuming for most businesses.  Too many business owners believe they have to look like a global brand to do that even if you’re just a local market.

In reality, standing out is more about the warm feelings the client or patient experiences more than your face or logo plastered everywhere.

One of the ways to do that is to create an expected surprise and we do this with a ‘shock and awe’ box.

A strategic shock and awe box:

  • provides value to the recipient
  • physical reminder of why it’s good to do business with you
  • justifies their big purchase
  • cements you as the expert in your field
  • distinguishes your business as unique and helps you stand out
  • and comes off as a thoughtful gesture with a complete package

Shock and awe boxes are highly customizable to fit your needs so if you’re just starting out, I’m sharing some ideas.  You can start small, and on a budget, then step up over time to match your needs.

Shock and awe boxes are talking points and can be used as a  valuable visual tool for promoting referrals as well.

I’m unboxing a real ‘shock and awe’ box from my favorite, Disney (of course, right?).   And I’m showing how you can do something similar on a smaller scale and with a tighter budget.

Watch me ‘show and tell’.