Asking Yourself What Is Next?

Learning to step outside of your comfort zone to make your practice dreams become reality.

I am in the business of helping my fellow dentists get more patients, keep more patients and keep their schedules full. So I wanted to share with you the best question you should be asking yourself every day to move forward in your practice and in the business of dentistry.

Its 3 simple words: What is next?

What is next for you? What’s next for your growth, both personally and professionally?

Throughout your education and training, you were kind of going through the hoops. You always knew what each next step was. First undergrad, then dental school, then working towards graduation and then starting your own practice.

But once you get your awesome practice it’s too easy to go into cruise control. There’s no next big step lingering over your head with a hard deadline so autopilot switches on.

Click on the video image below to watch.

But let me tell you – autopilot is the death of growth and success.

You’re just going through the motions of the day, day after day, and that’s when you wake up and think “what happened?”

I want you to get comfortable being outside of your comfort zone, by always asking yourself what’s next and committing yourself to being a life-long learner. I’m talking about more than continuing ed courses that you’re required to keep up with. I’m talking about really stretching and expanding yourself both personally and professionally.

Watch the video to see the do’s and don’ts of growth that will help you achieve the best dental practice you can have. I tell you how to avoid getting discouraged, I even give a comparison of your amazing dental work about the growth you should strive for.

Once you start to meet goal after goal you will find yourself in a place that you never imagined possible. You will find yourself aiming for goals that would have scared you 5 years ago. Because those far-fetched dreams will start to become a reality.

In this video, you’ll learn about:

  • One question you should be asking yourself everyday
  • You should never stop learning
  • To challenge yourself for growth everyday
Please take a few minutes and watch the video above– do it for you and for your practice.