Words That Get Your Ideal Prospects Attention

Words That Get Your Ideal Prospects Attention

Blog Articles-Weekly Training
by Dr. Ginger Bratzel  [Words That Get Your Ideal Prospects Attention]  If you're doing any social media, Google Adwords, designing a website, running print ads, whatever it is...  There are some tried and true rules that really work for helping your conversion on the marketing side.  And of course, marketing is just the first step. When we do an advertisement, it's the first step in your whole marketing system from the way you answer the phone to how you process your follow-up.   All those things are part of a bigger system. That’s why we’re diving in to spend a little time on what I call “Marketing Makeover Minute” where we focus on that first little step and give you some inspiration and help you can make things happen.…
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Writing Good Headlines

Writing Good Headlines

Blog Articles-Weekly Training, Side-Bar Video, Video Resources
The most important part of your marketing piece is the marketing headline.   What is the most important piece in your marketing?  Your Headlines! If you don’t have great headlines, your prospect will probably not even look at the rest of your marketing piece.  Then you will have no chance of getting her to come in.  All your time and effort (and money) that you put into your marketing piece will be wasted. And you will get poor results. Marketing must be an “attention grabber” from the get go.  And that weight is carried on the headline. On appearance, the headline is the biggest thing you have in your marketing piece right at the top. It must be emotional and speak directly to the heart of your audience.   What would…
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